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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pregnancy Update

april 2011 031

{the belly 15 weeks}


While we were in Ukarumpa, Mae and i were sick so we went to the clinic to see the nurse. No one there could do an ultrasound to give me a better due date but i did convince the nurse to find the heartbeat for me! (she actually found 2 heartbeats but we are fairly sure one of them was me)…

We found a good doctor in Madang here who is helping us process the massive amount of paperwork to get our medical visas for Australia. He also did a simple check up on Matt and me and reckons i’m due around October 5. i’m feeling a little movement now and have regained my energy (thanks to an angel named Norma in Chicago who is sending me some WONDERFUL nutritional supplements!) So, all is going very well with mama and baby!

i confess that it took a long while for my mind to catch up with my body this pregnancy (maybe due to lack of prenatal care or something). My excitement has finally caught up with the rest of the family, who have all been over the moon since day one.

Our current plan for the birth is to fly out of Madang to Cairns at the end of August (no flying allowed after 35 weeks). Then await baby’s arrival at the Wycliffe guest house there. Depending on how late baby is and how long it takes to get an Australian birth certificate, we will come back home sometime in November…

xo~ tiffany


Annie said...

It is such a blessing to hear the heartbeat and know there is a little safe person still growing! Glad you excitement is also growing. I remember also feeling "behind in the joy" compared to everyone else when pregnant with my 3rd. I think there is a certain amount of, oh boy, here we go again, and my body doesn't have the freedom of lightness (lol). But I'll tell you, my 3rd (a son) is just my daily joy now!

Anonymous said...

You look SO great! Wow!