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Monday, February 14, 2011

Singsing (part 4)


      Ok, here it is the last post about the singsing. I am sorry to say that I can’t post the video surprise that i had promised.

      When we reached the edge of the village we organized into two lines. We hint all our kundos (drums) at one time and shouted to announce our arrival. We could see the people gathering in the distance in the field near was papa’s house. We began to move again. This time we were in two line and walking in unison and hitting the kundos. As we marched into the field one of the men close to me told me to follow him and to do what he did.


We entered into one side of the field and the women entered from the other side. Both groups began to circle in different directions. One of the interesting things about all the dances is that the women generally stayed on the outside. The men stayed toward the inside and did more of the dance steps.


     The singsing went on for several hours. We had an intermission in the middle. Waspapa brought out more buai at this point for all the people participating in the sinsing. It ended with us performing one last version of the “katim long daik”. The two line went out the same way they came in. After everyone washed in the river. We all came back for the feast that the other people in the village had prepared.

1 comment:

Daphne Woodall said...

What a wonderful glimpse into the people's culture. Look forward to hearing more about your singsing. I'm using your wonderful photos for the Entermissions Conference this weekend.
Gene & Daphne Woodall