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Saturday, November 5, 2011

The 4 year old fish

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      It should probably not be very surprising to me that kids have things they are naturally good at. It’s just the way God has made us. We all have different giftings. 
     A couple of years ago when Isaac, who had just turned 4, declared that he was going to ride his bike (never rode on 2 wheels before). Tiff said, “ok, I will come out and help you once I get the baby to sleep.” She put the baby down and went outside, figuring she would be running beside a bike for the next hour. but, when she got out there she found Isaac riding laps around the apartment building.
     Since we have been at Tree Tops, Isaac and Matthew have become quite good swimmers. This was not too much of a surprise. They were on the verge of swimming on their own when we left PNG since they both only had one arm floater that worked.
     The real shock was, 4 year old, Silas. He has always used a life jacket when swimming. One day Mae decided to take it off of him just to see what he could do and this is what happened:
Silas swims across the pool
     Sorry, for the beginning, he jumped in before I was ready. But, as you can see he swam across the pool. I was shocked the first time I saw him do it. Like Isaac, he just took right off.
     So, a couple of days later Tiffany and I were talking to the older ones about learning to dive and Silas said, “You just do it like this” and he dove in. He can dive better than any of the rest of them. it is crazy. Here is another video.
Silas diving
     No, telling what Evie and Miani are going to do but we will keep you posted.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it!!! ellie was the same way this summer here. i couldnt believe she would just dive off the diving board. kindred spirits :)