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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Plane ticket update

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

                We purchased our tickets to return to PNG today! We could not have done it without your prayers and support. We could not ask for a better team than you.

                We will be leaving from Greenville/ Spartanburg Airport July 13. First we will fly to Los Angeles and stop for two days. We will then fly to Auckland, New Zealand and on to Cairns, Australia. We will be in Cairns for four days. This will be the first time we have been back to Cairns since Miani was born. Everyone is excited to get back and see it. From Cairns we will fly to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and then on to our final destination, Madang, Papua New Guinea.

                As I’m sure you have noticed we have two long layovers. If we had not taken these layovers the tickets would have been more than $3000 over our budget.

                We are now beginning the process of gathering what we need to live in PNG for the next three years. We are each allowed one 50 lb. trunk on the planes, the rest we will pack and send over in a shipping container. We will be posting a list of the things we need and don’t have on our blog (http://thecroslands.blogspot.com/). If you think you might be able to help with something on the list let us know.

                If you are interested in helping with the extra cost of these unexpected layovers you can visit our page (http://www.wycliffe.org/Partnership.aspx?mid=Z2OH1L) or send a check to Wycliffe with a note attached stating “for the ministry of Matt and Tiffany Crosland (215582)” to the address listed below.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200 

                As always we are grateful for your prayers. We firmly believe they are a huge reason we have made it to this point. Please, continue to pray for our visas. We are still waiting on them and have not gotten an update recently. You can also pray for discernment as we pack. It is difficult to know what might be needed several years from now. We would also like to pray for you specifically. If you have something you would like for us to pray about just let us know and we will lift you up to our amazing God.

Monday, June 3, 2013

June week 1 update

            As you are aware, we have reached our monthly quota and are still working to get the rest of the money we need for our plane tickets. You may also be aware that we needed to get all of these funds together by June 1 in order to be back in Papua New Guinea (PNG) by the beginning of July. This date has passed and every day we don’t reach our goal is a day we are delayed returning. The good news is that we have had several more gifts toward our tickets this week. We only need $3000 more to purchase our tickets. We have also been officially cleared by Wycliffe to return to PNG.

I received an email from our new supervisors in PNG today asking about our return date. There is quite a bit of work to be done before the next course. The staff is busy learning their new positions and they have not had time to look after many of the things we do. Needless to say they are anxious to have us back a soon as possible.

Your prayers have been so amazing. We can clearly see their effects on our ministry. We need you to pray that the rest of these funds will come in very quickly. We have not heard anything else about our visas either. Would you please pray that they are processed soon.

If you would like to help you can visit our page on the Wycliffe web site: http://www.wycliffe.org/Partnership.aspx?mid=Z2OH1L, click on our picture and follow the instructions or send a check to the address listed below. If you are interested in mailing in your donation you can use the address below.  Make the check payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators and attach a note stating “for the ministry of Matt and Tiffany Crosland (215582)”. Would you also please let me know if you plan on giving? (matt_crosland@wycliffe.org or 864-494-7937) I need to keep an up-to-date record of where we stand and give an accurate report to our supervisor. As always if you have any other thoughts or ideas please feel free to call or email me any time.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200 


Thank you,                 

Matt and Tiffany Crosland