Well, its been a crazy vacation. first we went to the FIeld Mseusm here in Chicago. There was lost of cool stuff there, dinosoures and mummies. Then Tiff and the kids went down a week early to visit and i flew down to meet them in South Carolina and go to the beach. The beach was great. We played in the sand and made some cool sand castles.We even got some fishing in while we were down there. On the way back from the beach I hit a deer with our van. It caused a good bit of damage and we had to get it repaired in Spartanburg. I had to fly back to goto work the next day so tiff stayed to take care of the car. While they were there Matthew fell out of a tree and broke his arm. So i flew back down to help them get back. The doctor down there wanted him to get his cast up here so I made the apointments around the time frame the body shop said the car would be ready (Monday). Well, it turns out that they found more dammage and it is not going to be ready untill Thursday so Matthew and I flew back to make his doctors apointment. I think Tiff is going to need a vacation from her vaction. Matthew and I are batchen it (dude fun). On the bright side the weather has been great everywhere I've been. Maybe Matthew and I will have some time to go fishing this week. I'm sorry i'm going to miss the 4th in the south (mmmmmmmm BBQ). I guess i'll have to make my own. Oh, we are also going to move this month too. Our landlord would not give us a six month lease. Our new place is a house. It needs some work but its in a nice neighborhood and not too far from school (pictured below).