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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Workmen

033     Well, I decided to start our blog again. Tiffany told me many of you have asked why we stopped. There are really several reasons for it. First, the internet and power are very unreliable in Papua New Guinea. So, it just became more and more difficult to find a time when it was working and we were free. The internet is also very expensive. We have to pay by the KB and uploading photos, even reduced size ones got very costly. The second reason was time. We got very busy with POC work, family responsibilities, and ministry in the community. Something had to give and so it was the blog. Maybe we should have set better boundaries but that was the decision that we made. For those of you who have missed it I am sorry we have not done a better job keeping it up. It is my goal to try to post several thing a week from now on.

     I decided to start by talking a little bit about the people that I have the pleasure of working with. The picture above is of all of the permanent workmen at POC plus my best friend who comes and works occasionally. From left to right their names are: Talad, Miani (my best friend), Kui, Filus (my 3 year old’s favorite), Papa Ganig, Hensen, Mauhak, and Ugal. I am going to write a post about each one of them over the next week or two.

    I’m planning on going from left to right, so the first up will be Talad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wonderful blog. We follow your blog. www.pngfacts.com