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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Round 2: boys will be boys

Well, it only took about 24 hours. Matthew got his cast of on Friday afternoon and by 6:00 pm Saturday we were on the way to the ER with another broken arm. I guess I should say the same arm broken again. Mae and Matthew were playing in the family room stacking up beanbag chairs and he climbed to the top and fell off. He broke the same arm in the same place. The bone was off set this time. The ER doctors didn't set it while we were there so the orthopedic had to set it Monday when we went in. It was pretty rough. It looked like he rebroke it but it seem to be realigned. He has to go back Monday for another x-ray to make sure that it is still lined up. He is in a cast above his elbow for the first 2-3 weeks this time and will have to remain in a cast for six weeks. He chose a red cast this time. He saw someone in the office with a yellow one and he said when they put the short cast on he wants it to be yellow. Everything else is good we are getting settled in to the new house. There is still a lot to put away.