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Sunday, March 6, 2011

The smell of God


      This week I did quite a bit of hiking in the jungle. Wednesday we took the students across the valley beside us to the village on the next ride over, ate lunch and came back. On Friday I went with some of our employees and hiked about 30 kilometers through the jungle. The purpose of this hike was to check out the trails and visit the villages that the students will spend the night in during their 3 day hike in a couple of weeks. I got to sit down with some great people in these villages and hear their stories and share mine.


     Though these were great experiences and God was present in these conversations the place that I really experienced him this week was in the smells of the jungle. I know what you are thinking, “tropical jungle, yea that’s got to be really nice; rotting vegetation!” It is true it does have its share of rotting vegetation but that is not what I noticed. What really stuck was the amazing variety of beautiful smells. There we so many different ones that hit me one after another, the next one better than the last. I began to think about the wonderful God we serve that would take the time to create so many different wonderful aromas. How he had made me in such a way that I could enjoy all of them. I think that this was the first time that He has touched me through my nose.



1 comment:

Annie said...

It is so funny that I just opened to your blog and read this post. I just dropped my daughter off at dance class and was driving home with the windows open. The smell of the Orange Blossoms here in Florida right now is so strong, it just filled my car. I thanked God for the amazing smells that He created and enjoyed every minute of it in spite of my sneezes!