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Monday, October 3, 2011



belly38weeks 056 - Copy

Ok,  so that’s not really how it happened, but it could have. We went to the hospital this morning for our scheduled induction. We are pressed for time because of all the things we have to get done after the baby comes (birth certificate, passport, etc.) so we scheduled the induction.

We got there about 6:50am and they put us right into our room. We sat around for a while, filled out the meal plan for the next day or so, they brought some breakfast and we watched Myth Busters.

Then the doctor came in and said  that the hospital had been very busy the night before and all the birthing rooms were full. He said we could wait until around lunch and he would do the induction then or we could come back in the morning. We opted for the morning since a lunch induction would probably mean a birth that went well into the night. When I say we I mean Tiffany with my support. I don’t have to do any of the hard work.

So with that they gave her a day leave from the hospital. Tiff’s dad came back and picked us up and here we sit, at home again, waiting. Come on baby.



1 comment:

Heather Mattern said...

Praying Praying Praying!!!