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Monday, February 18, 2013

What's Goin' On

This might have to end up being several blog posts...
I have to apologize to our regulars for not keeping you up to date at all. I think I greatly underestimated the craziness of reverse culture shock, and didn't really realize how burnt out I'd become. So, we've been back in The States for nearly 8 months now. And truely we don't feel much less confused than when we first learned that my sweet mother in law was very close to death.
When we left the US in 2010 we "knew" we'd be gone at least 3 years and likely 4. We had only been in PNG for about 2 weeks when Matt's Mom called to tell him she had cancer. We didn't really know much more than that.
We were often out of contact and away from cell coverage and internet access during our first 4 months or so in country. We found out in January last year that Grandma was going to discontinue her cancer treatment. We weren't exactly sure what that meant but felt that it wasn't good. It wasn't until May that we knew she was going down hill quickly and we started to make plans to get back to be with her for her last weeks. I want to thank all of those who gave in order for us to get plane tickets on short notice.
 Unfortunately, as some of you know, we didn't get back in time to say goodbye in person and she passed away just four days before we made it back to S.C. We feel truly blessed that we did make it back to be with Grandpa for her funeral service. But we were also confused. Why did God allow it to happen this way? Why would we make such big strides in PNG, finally feeling culturally in tune and accepted only to have to come back a year prematurely? Why, now that we are here, are we financially unable to get back to our work there? What will happen to The Haus Karim Project ? We just don't know. We don't have much of a continency plan, but we do trust God. We have fasted, prayed, and sought council and the answer is always the same; "Watch. Wait. Trust." We are confident that God is in control and we trust Him completely. I ask that you will pray with us. Pray that if the Father wants us back in PNG for the next course of POC that He will provide the $1400 per month that we need to return. And pray if that is not His will, that He'll show us what to do next. Thank you friends for taking this wild ride with us. Either way the adventure is not over!
 I will try to be better at updating here. You can also follow along on Facebook, leave us a note and let us know what's new with you!
XO Tiffany