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Friday, December 3, 2010

Arriving at Songum

monin nau!
thank you so much for your intrest in our story. i am honored that so many of you care! i'm excited to answer  the questions about food and the traditional clothing in later posts,,so hold your horses :)

This is where my vocabulary isn't enough...

{The Main Attraction - photo taken our 2nd day in the villiage}

when we arrived in Songum we were met with a horde of curious neighbors. it was overwhelming, humbling, almost too much. our children were immediately celebrities (S boy in particular due to his yellow hair as i was later told)...people pulling them in all directions wanting to touch them and feel their hair, blocking their path,  talking to them in Sam (the tok place of songum)-at this point we only knew minimal Tok Pisin...
the way i described it to Darlin Companion : :" it's like instant celebrity, like being famous and you haven't done anything or wanted it, and everybody is sitting around waiting for us to do something wonderful, like our house is the set of a musical and everybody is waiting for the show to start, i wish i knew how to tap dance- no- a magic trick..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weird. I am sure it had to be so odd. I can only imagine what you must have felt like.