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Thursday, July 14, 2011

29 down 11 to go…


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{29 weeks}

This is just a little baby update for those of you following the pregnancy….

I am feeling GREAT. Everything is measuring the way it should. I can feel my body beginning to slow down a little just this past week…becoming a little more daydreamy…

there is one little worry that you can pray on~ at my last appointment the doctor determined the baby’s position to be transverse posterior- this means if you are looking at me head on the baby is lying horizontally with his/her face looking out at you… the absolute worst position because there is no possible way to give birth naturally. It is an automatic c-section. It’s still early though (11 weeks to go) and the baby can do A LOT more shifting…will you pray with us for the baby to get head down and in an optimal position?? I would be SO grateful.


In other news~


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{our “new” place, as of yesterday afternoon}

…our WA (Wycliffe Associates) group is here and working hard on the new addition to the house! I am thrilled to say we will soon have closets!! At the rate they are moving we may be moving in before the baby comes- a huge relief for this mama…

I know it is due in great part to your faithfulness in prayer that I am feeling better this pregnancy than in the 3 previous ones, despite the fact that I am older and living in 3rd world conditions on the equator against medical advice…my life is in GOD’s hands and He is trustworthy.


Big LOVE to you! xo


*p.s…Our 10 year old took the belly picture for me! isn’t she AMAZING?!?

1 comment:

aglen said...

Mae did a great job!! And you are soooo puuurdy. Love you...